
iConcertCal is a free program. Seriously. Completely free! We want you to use this plugin, go to more shows, and support your favorite bands. We continue to put a lot of time and energy into this project, but we do it because we enjoy it.

If you would like to support the development of iConcertCal with a direct donation we are truly grateful for whatever monetary donation you feel comfortable contributing.

Another easy way to support iConcertCal is to use it to buy your concert tickets or albums. If you click on an upcoming concert or album release in your iConcertCal and then actually buy any tickets or albums, then Brandon and I receive a small referral payment from the ticketing site or Amazon. In fact, we receive referrals for any item you buy as a result of a referral from us. Any purchase that you make after clicking through on iConcertCal is helping to support this project (at no cost to you.)

Thanks for your support!