I change my city/state/radius and iTunes crashes.

Unfortunately, this is a bug that is affecting several OS X users. To help us determine the cause of the crash, we could use your help! Please download this alternative version of iConcertCal. It will generate a useful error log for us. Just install the alternative version of iConcertcal, start iTunes, and try to get iTunes to crash. Once iTunes crashes, please email us ([email protected]) the debug log which can be found on your computer at
/Users/username/Library/Application Support/iConcertCal/debug_log.txt
Thanks for your help!

I have Windows Vista and iConcertCal never remembers my settings

This is an old bug with iConcertCal. We have sinced fixed the problem. If you are experiencing problems with iConcertCal remembering settings and you are using Vista, please redownload iConcertCal and reinstall.

How can I get my band/venue/label’s concert information to show up in iConcertCal?

If you are a band, label, venue, or fan, and you want to submit concert information that will show up in iConcertCal, you can simply click on the “Add A Show” link on the top right corner of your calendar. Then create a user account and submit your show. Newly added shows will take a couple of days but then they will start to appear in iConcertCal.

How much does iConcertCal cost?

iConcertCal is not for sale. It is a free-ware plug-in that we have written because we care about promoting live music. It is not to be used for commercial purposes and we retain ownership and all rights of this plug-in.

iConcertCal is searching for shows in the wrong city!

We tried to make this plug-in smart enough to determine what city you live in by checking your ip address. Sometimes this doesn’t work, but you can always change your desired city by clicking on the city and state boxes.

How do I uninstall iConcertCal?

Windows: Uninstall iConcertCal using the “add or remove programs” option in the control panel.
Mac OS X: Open the installer application iConcertCal_installer.app and click Uninstall.

Are you keeping any of my information?

We respect your privacy. No information about you or your music library is saved or broadcast over the internet.

How often will iConcertCal update my calendar?

iConcertCal will automatically update your calendar once a week.

Does iConcertCal search outside US?

Yes! Simply use the “state” text box to enter your country name and put your city in the “city” text box. If you are in Canada, you should enter your province in the “state” text box.

How can I install iConcertCal in Windows if the installer fails?

For Windows users who don’t use the C: drive as their primary drive, the download will not work. So, we have a special advanced installer that you can use. Click here to get it.

Can iConcertCal export to other calendars like iCal and Outlook?

Currently iConcertCal supports exporting to iCal. Click here for more info.

iConcertCal keeps crashing iTunes! Help!

Do you have the latest version of iConcertCal? The latest version is 2.1. Please check the bottom right corner of your calendar to see what version you are currently using before you contact us.

If you have upgraded to the latest version of iConcertCal and you are still having problems then please contact us! We are working hard these days to figure out what bugs are still out there and fix them. If you want to help us get to the bottom of your problem, please send us an email at [email protected] with the following information:

  1. Your operating system (mac or pc)
  2. Your version of your operating system (OS X 10.4.8, XP, etc…)
  3. Your version of iConcertCal
  4. Is iTunes installed in the default location? If not, what is your setup?
  5. Explain when the crash occurs (as soon as iTunes starts, anytime it finishes searching for concerts, at random intervals, etc…
  6. Is the problem repeatable? If you restart iTunes will it crash in the exact same manner every time?
  7. If the crash occurs during a search, what city/state are you searching? Does it crash when you search other cities?
  8. Please also include in your email any error log that was generated when the program crashed